The Neolithic Age, The Beginning of Settlement
We are now in the Neolithic Room. About 10,000 years ago, dramatic climate change came to an end and the Earth’s climate stabilized. Mild, favorable weather conditions meant an abundance of food for everyone. This signaled the end of the nomadic way of life and the people of the Neolithic Age began to develop their own new culture.
The most significant difference from the Paleolithic Age was the invention of ground stone tools. The people of the Neolithic Age adopted a more settled existence and agriculture began to flourish as a result. They farmed both crops and livestock and manufactured pottery vessels to store and cook agricultural produce.
The Neolithic Age in Korea began around approximately 8,000 years B.C. Neolithic people lived by the sea or on river banks where water and food were in abundant supply.
In this Neolithic Room, we will see a wide range of artifacts recovered from tombs, residences and shell mounds and through them acquire an understanding of the way of life of Neolithic people.
Prehistoric and Ancient History Gallery 1: The Neolithic Room